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New Course Brochure
Brasshouse - Summer 2024
Discover the power of language

Language courses and business services

Breaking down language barriers

Translation and Interpreting Services

Welcome to
Brasshouse Languages

at the Library of Birmingham

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Online language classes

Online learning means that you can join your class live from home on your own computer device. The classes will take place through an online platform (ZOOM).
Yes, you can. On Zoom there is a facility to send groups of learners into breakout rooms. In break out rooms you can work in pairs or small groups. Your tutor is able to join the rooms to support you and answer questions, just as in a normal classroom.
We are running because our recent survey showed that 80% of our learners enjoy online learning.

Looking forward we would like to offer you a variety of modes of lesson deliveries, including face to face teaching. We will keep online lessons but we will also offer Hybrid classes where some learners are taught in the classroom and others are following the session interactively from home on their computer devices.

You need a computer / laptop or a tablet with a stable internet connection. You also need a microphone and loudspeakers.

Hybrid language classes

Hybrid learning is a combination of face-to-face and online learning. While a number of learners attend face-to-face sessions at Brasshouse Languages or one of our centres every week, other learners simultaneously attend the session online from home.

Hybrid sessions give our learners the choice of attending our language classes either online or face-to-face. This method of delivery will allow people with underlying health conditions or those in more vulnerable groups to join classes virtually, while allowing us to create a safe classroom-based learning environment for those who prefer a face-to-face learning experience.

By having part of the class learning in the classroom and another part following the session live from home we can make sure learners in the classroom have enough space to sit 2 metres away from each other.

All classes in September are online by default. However, some classes might switch to hybrid during the term. Decisions on the type of learning will be made in accordance with the tutor and learners for each individual class. However, a switch to hybrid sessions can only happen if at least half of the group opt for face-to-face learning.

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Exam dates

Please note that we are not  able to offer DELE exams in 2022


Exam dates

Please note that we are not  able to offer DELF/DALF exams in 2022


Exam dates

Please note that we are not  able to offer Goethe exams in 2022

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How to join a course

Beginners language courses

If you have no previous knowledge of a language you can enrol onto one of our Beginners courses in the following ways -

  • By calling the centre on 0121 303 0114 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • By calling the BAES Information line on 0121 303 4318 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Higher level language courses

If you are a current Brasshouse Languages learner continuing with your studies and have been advised on the level you need to join, you may enrol by calling the Information Line on 0121 303 4318 and they will help you to enrol.

If you are new to Brasshouse Languages please contact us by phone on 0121 303 0114 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before enrolment. You will need to have an initial assessment with a specialist language tutor to assess your current level. The initial assessment consists of two parts: a writing test and a speaking test.

Enrolment at Brasshouse Languages 

We are currently enrolling new and current learners onto courses for Term 1 (September - December 2022)

Course fees - how much will it cost

These depend on the type of course you want to do, how long it runs and your personal circumstances. To find out more about whether you are able to get a fee discount or concession please contact the centre or our Information Line on 0121 303 4318.

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Culture Clubs

Culture Clubs at Brasshouse are informal events or gatherings led by our tutors. Every session has a theme and can be presented as a lecture, a quiz, a workshop or just as a discussion. Most of our clubs are delivered in English (unless specified otherwise) and are therefore open to all (Note that we cannot accept children and young people under the age of 16 ).

Our language clubs are free of charge. Check our programme below and join us on the day and time of an event.

Please Note: Although you do not need to enrol, you must sign in at Reception prior to the start of the session.

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A rough guide to our language levels

Which level is right for you?

If you are a new learner to Brasshouse Languages and not sure which course you are likely to join, the table below illustrates the level of language that we would expect some-one to have on a particular level.

Please note: It is not possible to join a Brasshouse Languages course (except for Beginners) without having attended an initial assessment with a specialist language tutor. Please call the centre or our information line on 0121 303 4318 to make an appointment.

Please note: Enrolment for each term closes on specific dates and no enrolment can be accepted after this date. If you need any further information on this, please call the centre or our information line on 0121 303 4318. 

Course Title 

Can you answer these questions in your chosen language?

 Your possible course level.
Beginners No knowledge of the language You should join the Beginners course
Beginners Plus What is your name?
Where do you live?
Where do you come from?
What is your job?
Where do you work?
What is your telephone number?
What do you like to drink?
What do you like to eat?
Are you married or single?
Do you have children?
Do you have any pets?

If you cannot answer any of these questions you should join a Beginners course.

If you can answer some questions but struggle to answer others Beginners Plus is probably the right level.

If you answer most things correctly try the questions on Improvers level

Improvers What do you do in your free time?
What are your hobbies?
What do you do at the weekends?
Do you work?
Where do you work?
Describe your family
Do you have siblings/children/parents? What are their names? How old are they?
What do they do for living?
Date and time
What time is it now? What day is it today?
Can you book a single/double room for 2 nights/weeks?

If you cannot answer any of these questions you should join a Beginners Plus course.

If you can answer some questions but struggle to answer others Improvers level is probably the right level.

If you answer most things correctly try the questions on Improvers Plus

Improvers Plus Give directions
How do I get from Brasshouse Languages to the Symphony Hall?
Describe your house: house type, number of bedrooms, garden, garage, etc.
What did you do last weekend?
What piece of clothing did you buy recently?

If you cannot answer any of these questions you should join an Improvers course.

If you can answer some questions but struggle to answer others Improvers Plus level is probably the right level.

If you answer most things correctly try the questions on Lower Intermediate 1 level.

Lower Intermediate 1 Where do you like to travel to and why? Where did you go on holiday last summer? What did you do there?
What was the weather like? What did you eat? Did you buy any souvenirs?
What are your plans for next weekend?

If have some knowledge but are struggling to answer these questions fully you should join a Lower Intermediate 1 course.

If you answer these questions with ease try the questions on Lower Intermediate 2 level.

Lower Intermediate 2 Why do you want to learn this language?
For how long have you been studying this language?
Have you ever been to country?
What was it like?
What would you like to learn in this course?

If have some knowledge but are struggling to answer these questions fully you should join a Lower Intermediate 2 course.

If you answer these questions with ease try the questions on Intermediate level.

Intermediate Holidays
What did you do this/last summer?
What did you enjoy most and least?
Did you speak to local people?
Did you make any new friends?
What was the weather like?
What is your profession?
What do you like/don’t like about your job and why?
What was your first job?
Name three occupations that you could / couldn’t do and why?
Mixed opinions
Would you prefer to live in the city or the countryside and why?
Why is it important to keep healthy and fit?
Do you think you have a healthy life style and why?
What's your favourite city? Why?

If have some knowledge but are struggling to answer these questions fully you should join an Intermediate course.

If you answer these questions with ease try the questions on Post Intermediate level.

Post Intermediate Goals
What is your biggest goal in life?
Why are goals important?
Tell me about a goal that you achieved for yourself.
What is graffiti? Where do you see it? i.e. walls, trains
Should the government reserve places for those who want to write graffiti?
Is graffiti a type of "art"?
If you were allowed to write something, what would you say?
Do you think that a language other than English should be used as an
"international language"?
Do you think language affects thought?
Do you think foreign language study should start as early as possible, or is it okay to start later?

If have some knowledge but are struggling to answer these questions fully you should join a Post Intermediate course.

If you answer these questions with ease try the questions on Advanced level.

Advanced What would you do if you won the lottery?
If you had one wish, what would it be?
Do you think that there is truth behind superstitions?
Do you believe that UFOs exist? / Do you believe in UFOs?
What is the role of newspapers in society?
Are you against or in favour of cloning? Why?

If you are able to answer these questions with no major difficulties Advanced level is probably the right level for you.

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